Environmental: Brownfields


Before: Cooley Landing

After: Cooley Landing

Brownfields are abandoned, idled, or under-utilized industrial or commercial properties where expansion or redevelopment is complicated by real or perceived environmental contamination. State, county, and local authorities recognize that restoring these Brownfields to economically viable properties benefits the local communities by creating jobs, improving further development potential, and increasing the local tax base.

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) offers Brownfields assistance funding to states, counties, municipalities, and communities that apply and qualify for Assessment Grants, Revolving Loan Fund Grants, and Cleanup Grants.

Ninyo & Moore has a wide range of expertise to help your team realize the benefits of a Brownfields program. Ninyo & Moore’s staff can contribute to your Brownfields development success by supplying the following services that address each of these program elements to the level of detail required by the USEPA:

  • Grant applications and voluntary cleanup program applications
  • Community involvement programs, such as developing contact lists, issuing fact sheets, and conducting or participating in public meetings
  • Phase I studies
  • Remedial investigations
  • Engineering evaluation and cost analysis (EECA) reports
  • Community relations plans
  • Remedial action plans or removal action workplans
  • Risk-based corrective action studies and establishing risk-based cleanup levels
  • Cleanup level negotiations with regulatory agencies

Brochure: Brownfields >

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