Construction Accident Investigation
Phoenix, Arizona
Scope of Work:
- Perform a formal accident investigation
- Determine the root cause of the accident
- Determine methods to mitigate the condition so that further accidents can be avoided
Ninyo & Moore provided a formal accident investigation that involved a slip and fall on a makeshift scaffold at a site in Phoenix, Arizona. The work involved travel of a San Diego-based Certified Safety Professional to the site, review of accident photographs, and interviews with affected employees.
Project Challenge: Several factors were found to have contributed to the accident including an improperly guarded scaffold, wet surfaces, and poor recognition of non-compliant conditions. Problems are compounded in these types of investigations by local workers who see the outside expert as an adversary who may cause additional work or hardship for them after the investigation is complete.
Innovative Solution: Ninyo & Moore's Certified Safety Professional performed the accident investigation and developed a root-cause analysis, which clearly identified the contributing factors to the accident. A professional demeanor was maintained during the fact-finding mission that reassured on-site workers and site management. The investigation concluded that a modification of the scaffolding system, including the addition of guard rails, would prevent reoccurrence and make the scaffold complaint with OSHA regulations. The recommended modifications were made and further accidents were avoided.